

Arts Marketing and Content Management
software designed for art marketers.

ARTdynamix®: Simplify and tame your art marketing processes

As an arts marketer, you may have to start the day with a hot cup of coffee and a hotter mess of Excel spreadsheets, content calendars on different platforms, and ongoing references to a dashboard of disorganized data. Juggling between cleaning up the website and keeping it up-to-date, working with multiple tools to schedule posts, optimizing content for key phrases, and tracking distribution and engagement metrics across platforms. Being continuously stuck in the minutia puts a stop to the creative process and can be time-consuming and exhausting. Arts marketing shouldn't be "such a monumental task" or "a shot in the dark." Organizations and marketers alike should be able to connect your message to resonate with the target audience.

The ARTdynamix® Revelation:  Enter ARTdynamix®. You can begin the day by reviewing a unified analytics dashboard of all your marketing channels. This will be followed by a review of what content was removed and added based on your preset criteria. Finally, the platform's AI-driven marketing calendar can be a crucial part of your marketing plan, content distribution, and personalized tasks based on pre-set process, search, or programming patterns.

Think of ARTdynamix as your powerful tool for navigating between building awareness, audience behavior, revenue goals, and your personal touch. It guides you, ensuring you focus on your path and always reach your destination- a successful marketing campaign.

ARTdynamix® is the Solution for today's Art Marketer

Traditional CMS platforms like Drupal® or WordPress® have been staples in digital content management. Still, they often necessitate extensive programming knowledge and a robust development team to merge your ticketing, marketing, and fundraising efforts. Although, ARTdynamix® works across various Content Management Systems. Our connector module can also bring many of the ARTdynamix® advantages to WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, there is nothing like the original. 

Whether you are a performing arts organization, museum, or artist, this limitation significantly impacts your marketing efforts, especially when distributing content and patron information across many marketing channels effectively to communicate with diverse audiences. You will have to spend your time or money on integrating the correct insights and digital tools on your site, and that is time taken away from your arts marketing plan.

ARTdynamix® revolutionizes this scenario by seamlessly integrating your complex resources into the website, facilitating the execution of a comprehensive marketing plan. Additionally, ARTdynamix® offers the potential to support arts marketers in navigating their challenges, emphasizing its role in building a larger market share and growth of contemporary arts. This isn't merely a technological upgrade; it's a liberation, enabling you to tap into your marketing and design prowess, thus enhancing audience awareness of your brand and programming, a deeper connection between your patrons and the arts, and showcasing your marketing and sales expertise.

Envision having immediate access to all your relevant touch points—from patron interests, diverse audience insights, and event schedules to venue specifics—that is ready to be leveraged. Having the right tools and strategies for effective marketing is crucial, and ARTdynamix® emerges as a vital tool for marketing the arts, especially for utilizing multiple platforms for your marketing strategy. ARTdynamix® turns your vision into reality, laying a foundation for automation and insightful analytics. This transforms data into a potent asset for tailored marketing campaigns and strategic planning, translating to a greater sense of community, better communications, and an engaged audience.


ARTdynamix® gives you the time and space to implement your arts marketing strategies

​​​​​​​    Effortless Integration: Streamline your digital resources, unifying your platforms like TikTok and Instagram for a cohesive art marketing strategy.

​​​​​​​    Simplified Site Management: An intuitive interface prioritizes creativity over complexity, enabling easy site customization and personalization. This is especially beneficial for independent artists and smaller art marketing teams, providing them with the tools to thrive in the evolving art market.

​​​​​​​    Advanced Marketing Tools: Access sophisticated tools once exclusive to top-tier arts centers, enhancing your ability to market your events effectively.
​​​​​​​    Innovation at Your Fingertips: Explore new avenues to present your art and culture, captivating your audience with innovative and engaging experiences and inviting them into your creative world through ARTdynamix®.

Content, Data and ARTdynamix®:
​​​​​​​A Great Recipe for Art Marketers

Content and data are the essence of your arts marketing, and ARTdynamix® places these at the center of your strategy. It facilitates the effortless creation, optimization, and distribution of content across all channels, ensuring your message resonates with art lovers and the intended audience at the perfect moment. This approach is crucial for engaging with and growing an artist's fan base, including fans seeking exclusive content and connections through platforms like ARTdynamix. Understanding the importance of content and data is also crucial in effectively selling the arts online, as it allows arts marketers to reach a broader audience and showcase their work in the best light.

With features like integrated data from the leading ticketing, fundraising, and marketing automation platforms, an AI-powered Marketing Calendar, streamlined workflow creation, and centralized collaboration, your content production becomes a harmonious blend of efficiency and impact. ARTdynamix also supports marketers in sharing their art through engaging content, showcasing their work as dynamic and engaging through various formats. This helps them resonate with first-time audiences and long-term patrons alike. You must create content in an environment where your audience is omnipresent.

​​​​​​​ARTdynamix® champions omnichannel content delivery, ensuring your work is accessible through every preferred digital medium and gearing you up for emerging channels. With SEO services at its core, your content is set to excel, elevating your visibility organically and placing your message prominently in search engine results. Additionally, ARTdynamix offers strategies to help anyone in the art market deepen connections with their audience through word-of-mouth marketing, emphasizing the power of storytelling and personal narratives in reaching audiences in the art world.

​​​​​​​The Creative Hub for Arts Marketing

​​​​​​​Consider ARTdynamix®, the creative studio where all your arts marketing elements converge. This includes developing and managing an art website that leverages e-commerce and online capabilities. As a performing arts organization, the ARTdynamix® platform enhances your digital presence, provides support to your patrons and enhances audience engagement by ensuring the website reflects the art's unique identity.

With ARTdynamix®, connecting your art organization with patrons and supporters is a breeze. This user-friendly platform facilitates commerce and online sales, while also creating a space where your data, narratives, visuals, and marketing elements blend seamlessly. It's a tool that inspires and moves your audience, engaging new audiences with your art through online sales channels. For artists, it's a simple way to present their unique art style on their websites and content strategy, ensuring they stand out in the digital landscape.

Furthermore, by increasing visibility and engagement, ARTdynamix® can contribute to an artist or art organization's success by positively impacting turnover. ARTdynamix® is more than a tool; it’s a guidepost in your marketing journey, designed to ease the pressures of budget limitations, team constraints, complex priorities, and the essential maintenance tasks of an artist’s website. 
For marketing directors, ARTdynamix® is more than just software—it’s a means for improvement. ARTdynamix® empowers you to shift from navigating the complexities of managing software’s UI to creating impactful, inspiring masterpieces to promote your art. Embrace the future of arts marketing with ARTdynamix®.

Creativity and Efficiency

In art marketing, the role of a marketing director is both thrilling and challenging. Charged with the mission of showcasing the beauty and depth of art in the digital era, you encounter obstacles such as constrained budgets, lean teams, and many competing priorities. Innovative art marketing tools are crucial in overcoming these challenges, focusing on creating successful marketing campaigns, leveraging content, and understanding the autonomy and frequency of content distribution across all marketing channels. Efficient art marketing is not only about selling artwork or shows but is pivotal in growth and development, emphasizing the importance of marketing strategies, branding, and networking to foster a thriving art career.

ARTdynamix® is not just a tool but a partner that understands the unique challenges of art marketing. It transforms these hurdles into avenues for innovation, providing a much-needed relief from the overwhelming challenges you face. It's here to help artists and marketers navigate the complexities of the art business, offering a supportive hand in your journey.

In today’s art marketing landscape, artists and art organizations must have a robust media presence, utilize the right platforms, and leverage video, AI, and AR content. ARTdynamix® can support an effective art marketing plan by enabling a solo artist or a marketing team to engage with their community and use AI-driven marketing tools for content development, distribution, and online sales.

Efficient art marketing is crucial for establishing and advancing a brand and propagating a presence within the broader art world. ARTdynamix® empowers artists by playing a critical role in assisting them to navigate the digital landscape. It ensures they effectively engage with digital platforms, enhancing their visibility and connecting them with a broader audience, instilling confidence in their digital marketing strategies.

For instance, every organization that has utilized the full potential of ARTdynamix® has realized anywhere from an 18 to 40% increase in organic traffic and a 2 to 10% increase in on-page conversion rate.
